How Long Does Canned Beer Last: The Ultimate Guide

How long does canned beer last? The answer to that question may surprise you. Surprisingly, canned beer has a much longer shelf life than bottled beer.

In most cases, canned beer can last for up to two years if it’s stored in a cool, dark place. Most people think that canned beer only lasts for a few months, but the truth is that it can last for up to two years! In this article, we will discuss how long does canned beer last and how you can make it last even longer.

how long does canned beer last

We will also provide some tips on how to store your cans of beer so that they stay fresh for as long as possible. So, next time you go shopping for some beer, be sure to grab a few cans!

How Long Does Canned Beer Last?

A beer can is designed to protect the beer inside from light and oxygen. When these two elements are kept out, the beer will stay fresh for a much longer period of time. In fact, canned beer can last for up to 9 months or even more if it’s stored in a cool, dark place. However, most people think that canned beer only lasts for a few months. This is because they don’t know how to store their cans properly.

How Long Does Canned Beer Last in the Fridge?

 how long does can beer last in the fridge

If you are keeping your canned beer in the fridge, it will last for up to six months. This is because the fridge is a cool, dark place that will keep your beer fresh. However, if you are keeping your canned beer in the freezer, it will last for up to six months or more.

This is because the freezer is an even cooler and darker place than the fridge. If you think you don’t have enough place for beer in your fridge, then get this best small beer fridge for yourself.

How Long Does Canned Beer Last Outside the Fridge?

If the beer cans, even unopened, are kept outside the fridge or in a warm place, then they cannot last more than two months. Warm temperatures can cause the beer to go bad and taste unpleasant.

How To Tell if the Canned Beer Goes Bad?

The best way to tell if a canned beer has gone bad is by looking at the can itself. If the can is bulging or dented, then this is a sign that the beer inside has gone bad and you should not drink it. You should also avoid drinking any canned beer that has been stored in a place that is too warm, as this can cause the beer to go bad more quickly.

How To Store Canned Beer?

There are a few things you can do to make sure your canned beer lasts for as long as possible. As we mentioned before, canned beer should be stored in a cool, dark place. The ideal storage temperature for beer is between 45 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit. You should also avoid storing your cans in direct sunlight, as this can cause the flavor of the beer to change. If you’re not sure where to store your cans, a cool basement or garage is usually a good option.


Hopefully, this article has answered your question: how long does canned beer last? As you can see, the answer is that it depends on a few different factors. However, if you store your cans properly, you can expect them to last for at least a few months. Cheers! Read our other articles by visiting our site for more useful tips.

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