Does Beer Expire? How to Tell if Your Beer Has Gone Bad

Does beer expire? Can you drink expired beer? How long does the beer take to expire? If you are also wondering about these questions, then read on because this article will provide answers to all your queries. The answer to this question is a little more complicated than you might think. There are many factors … Read more

How To Make Beer Batter: Perfect Recipe for Your Favorite Fried Foods

Looking for an easy and delicious way to make your fry-day feast even better? Look no further than this beer batter recipe! Here, we will show you all about how to make beer batter for your recipes. If you have been to seafood restaurants, then you must have noticed things like beer-battered fish, beer-battered chicken, … Read more

What Time Do They Stop Selling Beer in Texas?

As any Texan knows, the answer to the question ” what time do they stop selling beer in Texas?” is always a hotly contested topic. What time do they stop selling beer in Texas? That is a question that many people have asked, and it is not always an easy answer. Some say that beer … Read more

Why Does Beer Make You Pee More? Truth About Alcohol and Hydration

Do you know why does beer make you pee more than usual? It’s not just because alcohol is a diuretic – there’s actually a scientific reason why beer makes you need to go to the bathroom. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why does beer make you pee more, and we’ll also dispel … Read more